Sauter Sullivan: Leading Personal Injury & Accident Law Firm in St. Louis

We Put the “Personal” in Personal Injury Law
We’re dedicated to personally helping real, everyday people who have struggled with an injury or suffered due to someone else’s actions or negligence. Unlike so many TV attorneys, we actually do our own fighting for our clients – when we take your case, that means we’re the ones personally fighting for your rights against the insurance companies and in the courts. We don’t pass you off to some lawyer on a list. You will deal directly with one of us, personally, your attorney, one on one.
Whatever type of injury or suffering you or a loved one has incurred as the result of someone else’s fault or negligence, the St. Louis Personal Injury Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan can help you. See some examples of personal injury case types below, read about Results of actual cases we’ve handled, see actual Testimonials from clients or Contact Us today to speak with one of our attorneys.