Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois
Motorcycle riders know and love the sense of freedom that comes with riding their bike on the open road. It’s more than a mode of transportation, it’s a lifestyle. But along with that freedom comes added vulnerability, because you are simply not protected on a motorcycle like you are in an automobile, and serious injuries can occur when you lay down your bike or are struck by another vehicle. Common motorcycle crash injuries include road rash, broken bones, burns, facial fractures, neck, back and spinal cord injuries, paralysis and traumatic head and brain injury. Serious motorcycle accidents can lead to internal injuries, limb amputations, long-term disabilities and disfigurement.

Causes, Damages and Liabilities in Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents can be caused by a number of factors, including the negligence of someone driving another vehicle, unsafe or hazardous roadway conditions, and even product liability issues associated with defective motorcycles and manufacturer recalls. Motorcycle Accidents inevitably involve injuries, often serious, and they are more likely to cause immediate death or fatal injuries. But the biggest cause of motorcycle accidents is other drivers on the road failing to take care be aware of motorcycles. It is the duty of every driver to notice motorcycles no differently than they would notice another car. A distracted or texting driver is especially dangerous to a motorcycle rider because it only takes a second to cause a motorcycle crash, and the results can be devastating. If someone driving another vehicle is at fault, or if hazardous and unsafe road conditions that should have been prevented were a factor in your motorcycle crash, you should speak to an experienced Attorney to help you get the compensation and results you deserve.
If you’ve been in a motorcycle wreck, crash or accident St Louis, Missouri or Illinois, Contact Us for a free consultation with one of our experienced Personal Injury Lawyers.