Dangerous & Unsafe Drugs

Respondents to Dangerous Drugs TV Commercials Sometimes Get Less Compensation
If you suspect you or a loved one might be the victim of a dangerous drug, the Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan strongly encourages you to give us a call for advice and counsel before you contact one of those TV lawyers. Most people don’t realize that many of the commercials you might see on television that advertise legal services for dangerous drug cases are put on the air by firms that are simply “fishing” for cases. These firms often are not the firm that put the work into developing the claim, but are trying ride on the coattails of the true legal experts. In class action lawsuits such as those for many dangerous drugs, there is typically a primary lawsuit filed by a specific list of plaintiffs, or people who have been injured or damaged by a dangerous drug. That short list of plaintiffs, and the people who are working directly with that original law firm, are “1st in line” in a sense, because they’re named in the primary case or represented by the primary firm in the case, and their chances of winning significant settlements or compensation are highest. If you go with a TV lawyer for your dangerous drug case, you probably not be at the top of the list to get your claim resolved.
The TV Lawyers’ Dangerous Drug Commercials Might Put You Toward the End of the Settlement Line
Often, dangerous drug class action suits also yield a mass settlement pool of money intended to compensate the potentially thousands of people who may have also been harmed by the bad drug. Many of those TV lawyers are focused on that pot of funds, but end up at the middle or back of the line, because they are not the originators of the case.
If you or a loved one has been hurt, injured or damaged due to a dangerous drug, the Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan can help you. In some cases we can take your case directly and represent you in your fight for your rights, but other times we can connect you up with the firm that is at the forefront of the litigation over the dangerous drug so that you are at the front of the line. Contact us today and speak to an attorney for free.