Head and Brain Injury Attorneys in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois

Sauter Sullivan Attorneys are Experienced Head Injury Attorneys
The Personal Injury Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan have the knowledge, experience and hard fighting attitude you need to win your brain damage or head injury case. We have the depth of resources you need to accurately present your case at trial, including highly qualified expert witnesses who know how to present the technical details of your case so insurers, judges and juries know your injury is real and has dramatically impacted your life.
Contact Us and speak to one of Sauter Sullivan’s highly experienced head and brain injury Attorneys. There is no cost to you unless we take your case and win what you deserve.
Causes and Types of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) are usually caused by an impact or a blow to the head from a motor vehicle accident, a Slip & Fall event, a physical assault or a sports related accident. Head traumas can cause loss of consciousness, disorientation or confusion, usually immediately but sometimes days, weeks or even months after an injury. Types of brain injuries include:
• Sheer or Diffuse Axial Injury
• Hematoma
• Intracranial Hematoma (ICH), Blood Clots
• Subdural Hematoma, Blood Clots
• Intracerebral Hematoma or Contusion
• Bruising, Bleeding and Swelling of the Brain
• Internal Bruising and Brain Damage
• Concussion
• Edema or Brain Swelling
• Linear, Depressed, Diastatic and Basilar Skull Fractures and Breaks
• Whiplash, Neck Sprain or Strain