Choose the Best Auto Accident Attorney to Get the Maximum Compensation You Deserve.
When you’ve been injured, suffered or incurred damages in an auto accident and it wasn’t your fault, it doesn’t matter if you call it a car crash, wreck, fender-bender, sideswipe, pileup or a rear-end collision, you or someone you love has been hurt and it’s going to cost money. You need to choose the best auto accident attorney you can to help you fight for your rights and get you the maximum compensation you deserve. You need results, and the car crash lawyers at Sauter Sullivan are among the best you can choose in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois, and beyond.

Highly Experienced Auto Accident Attorneys. Proven Results.
The Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan are highly experienced, skilled experts at handling car accident cases. We help people win, and we’ve been getting proven results for our clients for decades. We don’t spend our time on TV making commercials, we’re in the courtroom, or fighting the insurance companies to get you all the compensation you deserve. Most of the time we can settle your personal injury case without going to court and get you the highest compensation and a settlement payment you deserve as quickly as possible. But when it’s time to go to court to help you fight for your rights, don’t look for us on the television, because we’ll be in the courtroom trying your car accident cast. The Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan are serious injury attorneys – we don’t just play one on TV.
St. Louis Traffic Accidents, Highway Incident Locator.
You’re driving on Interstate 270 South and find yourself sitting in gridlock because there’s a car accident at 270 & Manchester with multiple lane closures and traffic is backed up for miles. You sit in traffic for over an hour before the road opens back up, and wish you would have known and went a different route. St. Louis traffic accidents can leave you tired and frustrated.
In effort to avoid traffic incidents, Sauter Sullivan is providing you with the Missouri Department of Transportation’s real-time feed of St. Louis traffic accidents and traffic incident locator via Twitter. You can follow them directly @StLouisTraffic.
In St. Louis, Missouri we have a busy network of interstate highways, some of which are fairly infamous for truck and auto accidents. This feed is a way to keep track of accidents on Interstate 270, Interstate 70, Interstate 64, and Interstate 55. Bookmark this page and check it frequently to find out about wrecks and closures on Missouri highways.

It’s Not Your Fault. Don’t Let the Insurance Company
Hurt You Again.
When you’ve been hurt in an auto accident, the insurance company will try to get you to settle right away, and they’ll probably offer you a lot less than you deserve. Before you say “yes” to an insurance settlement, talk to the car crash personal injury lawyers at Sauter Sullivan to make sure you’re getting everything you deserve to compensate you for your injuries, your medical bills, your car damages and all the expenses you’ve incurred because someone else caused your accident. We can help you take steps right away to protect your rights and keep the insurance companies from inappropriately putting all or some of the blame on you. Our experience team will help reconstruct the accident to determine which driver bears most or all of the responsibility for the car crash or collision, and if someone else is to blame, your Sauter Sullivan attorney will fight the insurance companies to get you all the compensation you deserve, or we’ll file suit on your claim and fight your case in the courts.
Contact Us and speak with one of our auto accident attorneys for free. There’s no obligation, and you’ll pay no legal fees unless we win your case and collect the settlement and compensation you deserve.
What to Do if You’ve Been in an Auto Accident.
If you’ve been in an auto accident and you are physically able after the car crash, you should immediately take the following steps: