$98,600 Workers’ Compensation Settlement for Warehouse Employee

In February of 2012 a southern Illinois warehouse employee in his mid-20’s was injured at work when his knee popped and snapped while stepping off a forklift.  His injury required surgery, which unfortunately did not take and resulted in a second and ultimately a third surgery due to infection.  The man had permanent physical restrictions and limitations due to the …

$50,000 Settlement for Couple in Rear-End Collision

In April 2014, a young couple was stopped in traffic in St. Claire County, IL when they were rear-ended and then pushed into the vehicle in front of them.  Both were taken by EMS to the ER, were treated for neck and back sprains and strains, and required follow up chiropractic care for several months after the car crash.  The …

$34,600 for Steel Worker Who Tore His Rotator Cuff on the Job

A worker at American Steel in Granite City, Illinois tore his rotator cuff as the result of having to do heavy work overhead for his employer for a period of 12 years.  The rotator cuff tear required surgery.  Chris Geldmacher, a partner at Sauter Sullivan, took the case and filed a Workers’ Compensation claim on behalf of his client.  Chris …