$34,600 for Steel Worker Who Tore His Rotator Cuff on the Job

A worker at American Steel in Granite City, Illinois tore his rotator cuff as the result of having to do heavy work overhead for his employer for a period of 12 years.  The rotator cuff tear required surgery.  Chris Geldmacher, a partner at Sauter Sullivan, took the case and filed a Workers’ Compensation claim on behalf of his client.  Chris fought hard to ensure his client received the surgery he needed as a result of his on-the-job-injury.  The treatment, surgery and recovery lasted six months.  In the end, Geldmacher’s client received the benefits he deserved, including his wages for the time he missed from work and payment of his medical bills. After treatment was complete, Mr. Geldmacher negotiated a settlement of $34,600 for his client.