Experienced Bus Accident Lawyers in St. Louis, Missouri & Illinois
If you’ve been injured in an accident with a motorcoach, a large passenger van, a public transportation vehicle or a bus, then you’ll be glad to know you’ve found an experienced law firm who knows how to help you win your case and get you the Results you deserve. The Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan are skilled experts who understand the specialized issues associated with Commercial Vehicle and bus accident cases.
Fight the Big Bus Companies or Public Transportation Authority
Common Carrier Law and Bus Accident Injuries
Bus accidents fall under common carrier laws, which are regulated by the federal, state and local government. If a bus accident is due to the negligence of the carrier, the carrier is liable. But there are usually very specific and limited time frames for when you are required to file a claim, so it’s critical to consider speaking to an expert Personal Injury Attorney right away. The Attorneys at Sauter Sullivan understand the details of common carrier law and have the knowledge and experience you need if you’ve been involved in an accident with a bus.
Contact Us for a free consultation with one of our experienced Bus Accident Lawyers. There’s no obligation, and you’ll pay us no legal fees unless we win your case.