Personal Injury Attorney Referral Partner in St. Louis, Missouri & Illinois
The Sauter Sullivan law firm is your ideal referral partner for Personal Injury representation in St. Louis, both on the Missouri and Illinois sides of the river. Our highly experienced attorneys are fully accustomed to representing clients in court, in front of judges and juries, and we frequently act as Local Counsel for out of town law firms. We’re in the St. Louis courtrooms most days, in the trenches, fighting for the rights of our clients. We know the court personnel and the judges, and the particular details of how the system operates in our jurisdictions. As a referring attorney, you can rest assured that getting positive results for your clients is our common goal. We work hard to win together.
The law office of Sauter Sullivan, LLC is located in St. Louis, Missouri, has a record of proven success, and prides itself on providing top-notch legal services for victims of personal injury or accidents. As a referring attorney, we’ll work with you to ensure your referred clients receive full and proper legal representation. Count on the attorneys of Sauter Sullivan to always represent your clients with integrity, experience and professionalism.
Contact Us today to discuss having the Sauter Sullivan Personal Injury Law Firm act as Local Counsel for your out of town client, or to serve the best interests of your client if your practice doesn’t include handling personal injury cases.