$18,600 Workers’ Compensation Settlement for Hotel Server Who Required Surgery

A server at a hotel near St. Louis Lambert Airport developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in her left hand after repetitively carrying heavy trays of food for her job.  A doctor told her that her hand required surgery.  When her employer refused to pay for the surgery, the woman came to Sauter Sullivan for help.   The hotel tried to place the blame for the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on the employee , claiming she had an increased risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to being female, having recently been pregnant and because she had diabetes.

Chris Geldmacher of Sauter Sullivan listened to the woman’s story, took the case, and filed a Workers’ Compensation claim on her behalf.  Chris fought hard to ensure his client received the surgery she needed as a result of her on-the-job-injury.   He hired an expert physician who testified that her carpal tunnel was from holding trays while at her employment. The employer hired its own expert, whose findings agreed with the employer’s argument.   The case went to trial before a judge who ruled in favor of Mr. Geldmacher’s client.  The employer was ordered to pay for the client’s surgery, and after her recovery Geldmacher negotiated a settlement of $18,600 for his client.